
Gandhi against caste /

Kolge, Nishikant,

Gandhi against caste / Nishikant Kolge. - First edition. - 1 online resource

This edition previously issued in print: 2018.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

This work examines Gandhi's understanding of the caste and varna, and his evolving strategies to abolish it. It divides the entire political career of Gandhi in India into five periods - 1915 to 1920, 1920 to 1927, 1927 to 1932, 1932 to 1945, and 1945 to 1948 - based on the themes that emerge in his writings during those years on issues of untouchability, caste, varna, sanatani Hindu, inter-dining, and inter-caste marriage. It traces the evolution of Gandhi's views, exploring shifts and turns in the context of political and social development of the time.


9780199091089 (ebook) : No price

Gandhi, Mahatma, 1869-1948 --Criticism and interpretation.

Caste--History--India--20th century.



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