Solutions of the simplified self-consistent field for all atoms of the periodic system of elements from Z=2 to Z=92. Lösungen des Vereinfachten self-consistent Field für alle Atome des periodischen Systems der Elemente von Z=2 bis Z=92 /
Gombás, P.
Solutions of the simplified self-consistent field for all atoms of the periodic system of elements from Z=2 to Z=92. Lösungen des Vereinfachten self-consistent Field für alle Atome des periodischen Systems der Elemente von Z=2 bis Z=92 / P. Gombás; T. Szondy - London : Adam Hilger Ltd., 1970. - 82 p. illus. ; 25 cm.
Includes index.
Hartree-Fock approximation -- Tables.
Atoms -- Tables.
Self-consistent field theory -- Tables.
Atoms -- Self-consistent fields Tables of approximate values
541.28 GOM.S
Solutions of the simplified self-consistent field for all atoms of the periodic system of elements from Z=2 to Z=92. Lösungen des Vereinfachten self-consistent Field für alle Atome des periodischen Systems der Elemente von Z=2 bis Z=92 / P. Gombás; T. Szondy - London : Adam Hilger Ltd., 1970. - 82 p. illus. ; 25 cm.
Includes index.
Hartree-Fock approximation -- Tables.
Atoms -- Tables.
Self-consistent field theory -- Tables.
Atoms -- Self-consistent fields Tables of approximate values
541.28 GOM.S