Wave mechanics and its applications,
Gombás, P.
Wave mechanics and its applications, P. Gombás; Dávid Kisdi - Oxford : Pergamon Press, 1973. - xii, 238 p. illus. ; 24 cm. - International series of monographs in natural philosophy, v. 58. .
Includes index.
Wave mechanics.
Mecanique quantique.
530.124 GOM.K
Wave mechanics and its applications, P. Gombás; Dávid Kisdi - Oxford : Pergamon Press, 1973. - xii, 238 p. illus. ; 24 cm. - International series of monographs in natural philosophy, v. 58. .
Includes index.
Wave mechanics.
Mecanique quantique.
530.124 GOM.K