The exacavations at Kausambi 1957-59 :
Sharma, G. R.
The exacavations at Kausambi 1957-59 : the defences and the syenaciti of the purusamedha / G. R. Sharma - Allahabad : Department of Ancient history, University of Allahabad, 1960. - xvii, 225 : ill. ; 28 cm.
Includes index.
Exacavations--Kausambi Indus civilization
913.0310283 SHA
The exacavations at Kausambi 1957-59 : the defences and the syenaciti of the purusamedha / G. R. Sharma - Allahabad : Department of Ancient history, University of Allahabad, 1960. - xvii, 225 : ill. ; 28 cm.
Includes index.
Exacavations--Kausambi Indus civilization
913.0310283 SHA