Community work - two
Jones, David (editor)
Community work - two - London Routledge and Kegan Paul 1975 - xiv, 202 p. 24 cm.
Contents: pt. 1. Community work participation and politics -Pt.2. Training and the development of community work as a profession - Pt.3. Work in progress / development in the field - Pt. 4. Research - Pt. 5. Consumer organizations
Community work -research
Consumer organizations
Consumer organizations
Social group work
Community work - two - London Routledge and Kegan Paul 1975 - xiv, 202 p. 24 cm.
Contents: pt. 1. Community work participation and politics -Pt.2. Training and the development of community work as a profession - Pt.3. Work in progress / development in the field - Pt. 4. Research - Pt. 5. Consumer organizations
Community work -research
Consumer organizations
Consumer organizations
Social group work